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Feed: Basics

What is a Feed, setting up a query, saving, sharing and subscribing to it

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Written by Team Enterpret
Updated over a week ago

What is a Feed?

A "Feed" in Enterpret is a list of feedback records matching applied filters. These can be configured to be from various sources, providing a comprehensive and accessible overview for efficient analysis and response.

A new Feed can be created by adjusting the time period at the top right and filtering feedback by using the Enterpret query builder.

Adjusting the time period of the Feed

Click on the 'Last X Days/Weeks/Months' at the top right of the screen to configure the time period you want to filter feedback for.

Setting up filters on Feed

The Enterpret query builder is a powerful tool that you can leverage to filter across all your feedback records. Thanks to a wide range of filters tied to your integrations, it lets you find feedback based on the feedback's content, metadata, specific keywords, or Reasons.

When you set up a query, the query builder sifts through your feedback records to find the most relevant results based on the given criteria. We considers the feedback's content and metadata, providing a thorough review of all potential matches.

Once you've constructed your query, click on Go to see results!

Feed - Feedback & Summary Views

You can view matching feedback for a query on Feed in two views -- feedback record, and summary.

The Feedback view presents the most relevant text from the feedback record, enabling you to comprehend the customer's feedback in their own words, unfiltered and unabridged.

On the other hand, the Summary view gives a condensed version of the feedback, by showing an AI generated summary of the feedback content. This is particularly helpful when you want a quick overview or need to run through many feedback records.

You can toggle between these views, tailoring your analysis to your specific needs or preferences.

How to subscribe to a Feed?

You can subscribe to your Feed to receive reports and stay updated with new entries.

Saving your Feed

You need to saved your Feed to subscribe to it. You can do it by clicking on the SAVE button at the top right.

On the pop-up, enter the descriptive name for the Feed, so that you can retrieve it later and click on SAVE to finally save your Feed.

Proceeding to Subscribe to your Feed

You can proceed to subscribe to a Feed, by clicking on the SUBSCRIBE button. The next step is to configure where you wish to receive your Feed report, and ho frequently.

Here, you can fill out the Email ID of the teammates (or yourself) whom you want send the regular reports to.

For Slack Channels, click on it's field, you will see something like this while Enterpret tries to fetch your Slack Channels.

Choose the channels you want to share the reports with.

After this, set the frequency to how often you want to recieve the reports, then click on SUBSCRIBE.

What a Feed report looks like

A Feed report received via email resembles this: you will get all the latest updates, and a "View Feed" button at the bottom of the report redirects you to the corresponding Feed.

A Feed report received via Slack resembles this: here too, a "View Feed" button at the bottom of the report redirects you to the corresponding Feed.

How to unsubscribe to a Feed?

  1. Click on the Subscribed button with a edit icon at the right top of the feed.

  2. Click on the Unsubscribe button at the left bottom of the Subscribe flow window .

How to disconnect Slack?

Disconnecting your Slack will remove subscribed Slack channels from all your reports. These wouldn't automatically resume by re-connecting Slack.

To disconnect your Slack, click on the 3 dot menu icon above the Slack channels as shown below

Click on the 'Disconnect Slack' option in the panel

Click on YES,DISCONNECT to finally disconnect your Slack from Enterpret. That's it!

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