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Get instant notifications about reports, alerts, and new feedback sources with Enterpret Slack Integration.

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Written by Team Enterpret
Updated over a year ago


Take control of your feedback with Enterpret and Slack integration. Get instant notifications about reports, alerts, and newly discovered feedback sources from any channel, and never miss an important insight again. Streamline your feedback management process and make data-driven decisions with ease.

How to integrate Slack?

Steps to integrate Slack to your feedback data :

  1. Go to lower left of the screen and click on the logo, a panel will open up, click on Integrations.

    On clicking Integrations, this screen will open up.

  2. On the top right corner of the screen, click on the + NEW INTEGRATION button.

    A list of all available integrations that can be done through Enterpret is shown on this screen.

  3. Search around for Slack, Click on CONTINUE > to move forward with the process of integration.

  4. You will asked to choose the type of integration would you like Slack to be, choose 'Feedback Integration'

  5. You will be redirected to the Authorisation page, Allow Enterpret the permission to access your Slack workspace.

  6. After authorising, you will be redirected to the Integrations page, where you can add channels and organisation email domains.

    Click on the Slack Channels field, Enterpret will fetch the channel list here.

    NOTE : A newly created Slack channel may take upto 5 minutes to be available here.

  7. After adding the desired channels, click on SAVE, you will receive this alert on the left bottom of your screen.

Reporting and Subscribing through Slack

You can also subscribe to a variety of reports to get a comprehensive overview of your customer feedback by subscribing Dashboards.

To understand the procedure better, click here

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