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Streamline your feedback analysis with Enterpret's Taxonomy Management – easily manage and organize your Tracked Keywords and Reasons

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Written by Team Enterpret
Updated over a week ago

Enterpret's Taxonomy comprises of Tracked Keywords and Reasons, representing "what" the feedback is about and "why" the customer shared the feedback. Here's how you can add, edit, archive, and merge Keywords and Reasons in your Enterpret Taxonomy to further improve it.

Please note that any changes made to your Taxonomy may take up to 60 minutes to take effect and you can check their status on the Taxonomy page. You will receive a notification via email once the changes are completed.

Tracked Keywords

Tracked Keywords are your product's features, your competitors, and other tangible/non-tangible aspects that customers might share feedback about. These are "what" customers share feedback on.

This sections focuses on the journeys of managing Tracked Keywords. To read more about how Tracked Keywords work, and the best practices of creating great Tracked Keywords, read:

Adding a new Tracked Keyword

  1. First, click on the Taxonomy icon from the left nav bar.

  2. Click on the "Add New" button located at the top right corner --> Add new Tracked Keyword

  3. Fill in the required information, such as the name, phrase list, duration, and description.

    ​​Name: Tracked Keyword name is how it'd show up across the platform. Users can query this name to find the Tracked Keyword later.

    Description: A simple textual explanation of the Tracked Keyword. This helps the ML models understand the Tracked Keyword and predict it on feedback records accurately.

    Included Phrases: A list of words that your users would use to mention the Tracked Keyword. These phrases are used to find feedback relevant to the Tracked Keyword, before deciding whether the feedback should be tagged, based on the Tracked Keyword's name and description.

    Excluded Phrases: A list of words that you'd want to to use to filter out feedback that you don't want the Tracked Keyword to be predicted on. If a feedback has these words, it'd be excluded from the pool of feedback evaluated to tag with the Tracked Keyword.

    Backfill Duration: We'll evaluate feedback for this duration, going back from the day the Tracked Keyword was created, to tag the Tracked Keyword, if it's relevant.

  4. Click on the "Add Tracked Keyword" button.

Editing a Tracked Keyword

  1. Click on the Taxonomy icon from the left nav bar.

  2. Click on the "Edit" icon located next to the Tracked Keyword you want to edit.

  3. Make the desired changes by editing the Tracked Keyword name, description, phrases, or mapped Reasons.

  4. Click on the "Save" button.

Archiving a Tracked Keyword

  1. Click on the Taxonomy icon from the left nav bar.

  2. Click on the "Archive" icon located next to the Tracked Keyword you want to archive, and confirm your action.

  3. You can always restore an archived Tracked Keyword by reaching out to our team here


Reasons are repeatable, granular summaries of customer feedback. Reasons are "why" customers shared feedback.

Merging Reasons

While analyzing your data, you might come across similar reasons that you'd like to merge for a more streamlined analysis. When you merge two or more reasons, all feedback records associated with any of them will now be associated with the new reason.

Some callouts on merging Reasons

  1. Merging Reasons will apply for all users in the instance, not just you

  2. Merging Reasons can be undone, so don't hold back on merging if it will improve the quality of the instance... but we'll have to help you with the un-merging. Reach out to your customer success manager or system admin, or use the contact form here.

  3. After you initiate a reason merge, it may take up to 60 minutes for your changes to become visible.

Starting the journey of merging Reasons

Taxonomy page

  1. Merge Suggestions: Click this button at the top of the Taxonomy page to see suggestions for potential merges. You can filter by category, or enter search terms in order to focus your efforts. If a search suggestion isn't helpful, feel free to press the "Dismiss Suggestion" button to hide it.

  2. Manually select Reason(s) to merge: Scroll or search in the Taxonomy page and then use the checkboxes to select Reasons to use as a starting point for a merge, then press the "Merge Reasons" button in the upper right. You will have a chance to add more, so don't worry about trying to get them all here, and you can even start with just one.

Quantify page

  1. From the chart: Hover over one of the bars (bar chart mode), individual data points (trend mode), or Reason names in the legend (any chart mode) and click "Merge with another Reason"

  2. From the table: Click on the 3-dot menu on the relevant row in the table beneath the chart, then click "Merge with another reason"

The Merge Reason Flow

Wherever you started, you'll eventually end up in the Merge Reasons flow. In this flow, you select reasons to be merged, confirm the category and name of the new reason you'll create, and then save.

  1. Category and Name of merged reason

    1. The Auto-namer will update these based on the reasons you add, so always check them – especially the name – before saving!

  2. List of reasons that will be included in the merge, with feedback count

  3. Search bar to search for additional reasons to add

  4. Category filter on search pane

  5. Search results, or suggested reasons based on similarity to your selection

  6. Buttons to add a reason to the merge (+) or remove a selected reason from the merge ()

  7. Button to regenerate the suggested reasons – try this after adding a few reasons

  8. Save button to commit the merge

Creating Reasons

While analysing the reasons created and provided by Enterpret, you might feel the need to create & add new reasons. There are three 'Create Reason' journey entry points, which will be covered here.

Journey 1: Through the Taxonomy Page

Here are the steps that you'll need to follow :

1. Navigate to the Taxonomy page.

2. Click on the ADD NEW dropdown button on the top right of the screen, Click on Add new Reason from the dropdown.

3. A new pop-up window will open up.

Step 1 of 2:

You'll have to describe a broad idea about what kind of feedback do you expect the reason to predicted on.

Then click NEXT at the bottom right of the pop-up window

Let us take an example here.

On clicking NEXT, there would be a loading state visible in which Enterpret fetches and curates definitions for the reason.

Definitions are the building blocks for Reasons. They are repeatable ways in which users talk about problems.

4. After Enterpret is done fetching the Definitions, you'll be shown some selected Definitions which will be used to find relevant feedback.

Step 2 of 2:

Check if they fit in what you want to talk about.

Also, you'll be provided with a search bar to Find and add more Definitions at the bottom right half of the pop-up window.

View the feedback associated with the Definition and check if it is relevant to your reason.

The Feedback record with its summary will be opened in a new browser tab. (In this case, it is not the right match for what we are talking about, hence we'll not add this to the Definitions)

Now coming back to the Pop-up window, you are provided the Category and Reason Name generated by Enterpret. You can regenerate both of them or else edit them manually.

To complete this step and move forward, click on CREATE REASON at the bottommost right of the pop-up window.

A new reason will get created and a small pop-up window will appear on your screen. Kudos! you have created a new reason for the first time 🎉

Journey 2 : Through any feedback record

The second user journey through which you can create reasons is through the feedback records.

For example let us go through the search page.

Go to a particular feedback record, click on the plus icon beside Predictions, then, Click on Create new Reason from the expanded panel.

Follow the same steps onward as were followed in the Journey 1 after the Pop-up window appears.

Journey 3: From another Reason

There is another entry point for creating reasons, through Another reason. The steps for this journey are :

  1. Navigate to the Taxonomy page > Reasons.

  2. Click the pencil icon (Edit) on any of the reasons' row.

  3. A hovering Pop-up window will open up on the right side of the screen.

  4. You can now see a list of Definitions in a box at the bottom right.

    Let's take an example : For this Reason 'Happy with The User-Friendly UI', you feel that 'happy with the reliable performance of zoom' Definition is something that should be tracked separately for some reason.

    Click on the Double Comma Icon : Breakout into a New reason with this Definition.

    The pop-up window to create a new reason will appear, Follow the same steps onward as were followed in the Journey 1 .

    NOTE : Once, a new Reason is created from this Definition, that particular Definition will now not be shown in the previous reason anymore, as it has now been separated out.

    In this example, now, after creation of a new reason, the Definition 'happy with the reliable performance of zoom' will no longer show up in the list of Definitions of the Reason 'Happy with The User-Friendly UI'.

Updating Reasons

You can update a Reason to modify its definitions. As cov

  1. Click on the Taxonomy icon from the left nav bar.

  2. Click on the "Edit" icon located next to the Reason you want to update.

  3. Make edits to the Reason name, it's category, or add/remove Reason definitions.

  4. Click on the "Save" button.

Archiving a Reason

  1. Click on the Taxonomy icon from the left nav bar.

  2. Click on the "Archive" icon located next to the Reason you want to archive, and confirm your action in the modal that pops up.

  3. You can always restore an archived Reason by reaching out to our team here

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