Editing Predictions

Optimize feedback records for enhanced taxonomy control and better machine learning outcomes.

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Written by Team Enterpret
Updated over a week ago


The Editing Predictions feature enables users to take control of their taxonomy and improve machine learning models by easily modifying feedback records. This comprehensive guide will walk you through accessing the Edit Prediction mode, removing and adding reasons, adjusting tracked keywords, changing sentiment, reviewing and undoing modifications, and submitting changes to ensure an accurate representation of your data.

Accessing Edit Prediction Mode

To start editing predictions, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the feedback card you wish to edit

  2. Click on the pencil/edit icon on the feedback card.

  3. This will open the detailed feedback view in Edit Prediction mode by default.

Removing Reasons and Tracked Keywords

To remove a reason or tracked keyword from the feedback record, you can find the reason or tracked keyword you want to remove. Then, click on the "x" icon next to the reason or tracked keyword to remove it.

Changing Sentiment

Choose between neutral, negative, or positive sentiment options to change the sentiment associated with the feedback record. Then, click on the desired sentiment to apply the change.

Adding Reasons

To add a new reason to the feedback record:

  1. Click on the plus icon next, and search for the new reason you want to tag.

  2. You can select the reason, which will appear in the Modifications tab.

Reviewing and Undoing Modifications

To check your changes, you can click on the Modifications, then go to overall changes to the feedback record.

To undo a change:

1. Locate the change you wish to undo in the Modifications tab.

2. Click the "X" icon next to the change to remove it.

Submitting Changes

After making all necessary changes review your modifications one last time, and click pick on the "Submit" button to save your changes.

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