
Enterpret's integration for the App-Store allows our customers to integrate reviews from the App-Store into Enterpret’s data pipeline.

Jack Divita avatar
Written by Jack Divita
Updated over a week ago


The Enterpret integration for the App-Store allows our customers to integrate feedback and reviews from the App-Store into Enterpret’s data pipeline. This allows our customers to understand and make decisions based on the feedback they receive on the App-Store.

We collect the AppID in order to ingest the data, and ingest new data every 4 hours.

When you first enable the integration, it takes around 15-20 minutes to ingest the first 10,000 reviews.


  1. Click on "Sign in with Google" and log in with your work email

  2. Once you have logged in successfully, navigate to integrations page by clicking on 'Integrations' under profile.

  3. Click on the "+ New Integration" button.

  4. Choose "Appstore" from the presented options, by clicking the "Connect" button in front of it.

  5. Provide the app store “App URL” in the dialogue box that opens and click on “Connect”.

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