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Search Widgets
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Written by Team Enterpret
Updated over a week ago

A Guided Tour Through Search Widgets

Let's take a look at the various widgets and understand their role in analyzing your feedback data:

Trending Reasons

This widget shows the top Reasons linked to your Tracked Keyword based on your search query. It simply displays the most common reasons your customers mention the Keyword in their feedback. This provides a clear view of why a specific Keyword is often brought up, helping you understand the context behind its mention.

Source Distribution of Feedback for the Tracked Keyword

This widget provides a breakdown of the proportion and number of feedback records each source contributed to your search query. These sources include customer support tickets, social media comments, product reviews, or any other channels integrated into your Enterpret account. Understanding the source distribution lets you identify where most of your feedback comes from. This also shows you the channels your customers prefer most for providing feedback.

Tracked Keywords by Categories

This widget illustrates how your Tracked Keyword is distributed across different Categories. Each category represents a high-level classification of customer intent behind their feedback - such as 'Help,' 'Improvement,' 'Complaint,' or 'Praise.' Understanding the distribution of your Tracked Keyword within these categories offers valuable insights into customer sentiment related to a particular aspect of your product. It helps you gauge whether the Keyword is more often mentioned in a positive or negative context and further aids in tailoring your strategies accordingly.

You can decode your customer feedback data much more effectively with a comprehensive understanding of the different search widgets available in Enterpret.

Remember, each widget serves a unique purpose, and understanding their roles individually can provide you with a more nuanced view of your customer feedback.

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