
Quantifying customer feedback for analysis

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Written by Team Enterpret
Updated over a week ago


Quantify helps product development teams extract numerical insights from customer feedback data. With it, teams can quickly and precisely understand what customers are saying about their product. By measuring and analyzing feedback, teams can identify top recommended reasons, negative feedback causes, and user sentiment about specific features. Custom queries are also possible for specific insights to inform informed decisions about product development. Quantify helps teams iterate quickly, identify quality issues faster, and address pain points customers experience.

What can you use Quantify for?

  1. Pinpointing negative feedback: Identify negative feedback and address customer dissatisfaction

  2. Prioritizing roadmap: Prioritize product roadmap based on data-driven insights

  3. Spotting emerging trends and anomalies: Spot emerging trends and anomalies for informed decision-making

  4. Prioritization: Understand which product features are most important to customers

  5. Data gathering: Systematically gather customer feedback data for informed decision-making

  6. Stakeholder alignment: Facilitate stakeholder alignment with objective data-driven insights

  7. Discoverability: Easily discover hidden insights and trends in customer feedback data.

Constructing a Quantify Query

Use Templates to get started with Quantify

Using templates is a great way to start understanding how Quantify works. Templates provide pre-built analysis frameworks that you can use to analyze your customer feedback data.

  1. Pick a template from the list to run the query.

Your Quantify report is ready for analysis, allowing you to gather valuable insights from your customer feedback data.

Building your Own Analysis

Create your own Quantify analysis to generate a customized report based on your specific needs and objectives. With this feature, you can tailor the analysis to focus on the aspects of your customer feedback data that matter most to you and extract actionable insights to inform your product development strategy.

  1. To create a custom analysis using Quantify, select the data points you wish to include. You can do this by clicking on "Show me" and choosing from a wide range of options. With Enterpret, you can easily analyze your taxonomy, user sentiment, and identify common elements such as country and language, source, integration metadata, and more.

  2. To further refine your analysis, you can apply filters that provide greater specificity to your customer feedback insights. Choose from a wide range of options like Taxonomy, Natural language search, Common filters, Source, Integration metadata, and more. These filters allow you to delve deeper into the data and better understand your customers' feedback.

  3. You can specify the length of time for your analysis by choosing from a range of predefined time frames. For more flexibility, you can use the date picker to select a custom date range.

    1. Last - Helps you select a range for last X number of days.

    2. Since- Helps you see a range from a certain point of time.

    3. Between- Helps you select a time range.

  4. Your report is ready. You can toggle between count or percentage values by selecting the desired one.

Visualizing your Report

Enterpret provides various visualization options, allowing you to select the format that best suits your data analysis needs. You can easily toggle between options such as bar graph, trend line, or statistical graph to effectively display your data.

Note:- We also show a sentiment graph for Tracked keyword analysis.

Selecting Values to Visualise

The last crucial step in building your Quantify query with Enterpret is selecting the values you wish to visualize. By default, Enterpret automatically selects the values with the highest count for visualization. However, if you require a more specific selection, you can update this by utilizing the table at the bottom of the Quantify chart.

Please note that by default, Enterpret displays five selected values for visualization. However, you have the option to display up to ten values at once if needed.

Trend charts are now enhanced with anomaly detection capabilities. Checkout this link to learn more.

Saving an Analysis

Enterpret makes it easy to share your custom Quantify analysis with others. You can quickly access it in the future without having to recreate it. This ensures you can easily reference past analyses when needed, saving you time and effort in the long run.

  1. Select the Save Analysis icon

  2. Assign a name to your analysis and proceed to save it.

Sharing an Analysis

Enterpret makes it easy to share your custom Quantify analysis with others. You can work with your team more effectively to derive insights and make data-driven decisions. Sharing also lets you add your analysis to your work artefacts like PRDs.

  1. Click the "Copy Analysis" button to get the link.

  2. Provide a name for the analysis and save it.

  3. Share the link with your team members.

Note: If you have already saved the analysis or want to share a previously saved analysis, you can share the link directly from the Saved Items.

Adding an Analysis to Your Enterpret Dashboard

Adding your custom Quantify analysis to your Enterpret Dashboard is a convenient way to keep track of key insights alongside other relevant metrics. Adding your analysis to the dashboard lets you stay up-to-date on critical data without having to recreate your analysis each time. Additionally, you can group similar insights and collaborate with your team or generate more detailed reports, maximizing the potential of your analysis.

  1. Click on the dashboard icon.

  2. Select the dashboard where you want to add your analysis

  3. Enter a name for the analysis and select "Save and Add Analysis."

  4. If you do not have an existing dashboard or wish to create a new one, select "Create New Dashboard."

  5. Enter a name for the new dashboard and analysis, then save it.

Feel free to experiment with the different visualization options and refine your analysis by applying filters. And if you need assistance or have questions, the Enterpret team is here to help!

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