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Use Search to find feedback records and insights

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Written by Team Enterpret
Updated over a week ago

Search allows you to find customer feedback, and visualize results through quick charts. You can find Search under the Explore section from the left nav bar.

How Search Works

You can start typing an aspect of your product, or a potential reason for feedback, and Search will suggest related Tracked Keywords and Reasons as you type. Clicking on this suggestion will show results.

In the absence of a match, you can just search for a text input against all of your customer feedback and view the results.

Search Recommendations

When you land on the Search page, you'll see recommended Reasons and Tracked Keywords. These recommendations are generated based on the Interests you've populated and the trend of Tracked Keywords and Reasons over time.

To see more relevant recommendations, you can update your Interests, by clicking on the Update Interests button on the search page.

Search Results

On performing a Search, you'll see all customer feedback that matches your query. Besides customer feedback, you'll see some quick charts to help you visualize the results.

Search for a Tracked Keyword

On searching for a Tracked Keyword, along with customer feedback that matches your query, you'll see the following charts:

  1. The trend of Average Keyword Sentiment Score
    The average Keyword Sentiment Score plots the user sentiment for the Tracked Keyword over time on a scale of -100 to 100.

  2. Associated Trending Reasons
    Associated trending Reasons are the top Reasons associated with the Tracked Keyword. You can read more about how Reasons are associated with Tracked Keywords here.

  3. The trend of feedback counts for the Tracked Keyword
    The number of feedback records associated with the Tracked Keyword over time.

  4. Source distribution of feedback for the Tracked Keyword
    The distribution of feedback records that are associated with the Tracked Keyword across different integrated sources.

Search for a Reason

On searching for a Reason, along with customer feedback that matches your query, you'll see the following charts and sections:

  1. The trend of feedback counts for the Reason
    The number of feedback records associated with the Reason over time.

  2. Source distribution of feedback for the Reason
    The distribution of feedback records that are associated with the Reason across different integrated sources.

Search for a text input

  1. The trend of feedback counts for query
    The number of feedback records associated with your query over time.

  2. Source distribution of feedback for query
    The distribution of feedback records that are associated with your query across different integrated sources.

  3. Option to track input as a keyword
    You can create a new Tracked Keyword based on your text input to discover associated Reasons, track users' sentiment and perform more powerful analyses.

What is User Sentiment?

User Sentiment widget on the search page analyzes and displays the sentiment distribution of feedback records based on the query. This helps gain a comprehensive understanding of how your customers and users feel about a specific topic, keyword, or reason.
User Sentiment provides valuable insights into customer emotions, preferences, and opinions, enabling you to make more informed decisions. By understanding the sentiment behind customer feedback, you can identify areas for improvement and prioritize efforts accordingly.

User Sentiment is not applicable to Gong calls and support conversations

Although User Sentiment is an effective tool for analyzing feedback in various channels, it is not the most appropriate metric for Gong calls and some support conversations.

The nature of these channels make it difficult to accurately gauge sentiment. They often involve discussions on multiple topics, resulting in mixed sentiments throughout the conversation.
Attempting to assign a single sentiment score to an entire Gong call may not accurately represent the variety of emotions expressed and can lead to misleading conclusions.

Saving and Sharing a Search

You can save a Search by clicking the Save button on top. To share your saved Search, you can click on the copy link icon next to the Save button and share the link with your teammates.

Subscribing to Feedback

You can subscribe to receive updates from a saved Search on Enterpret by clicking on the Subscribe Feedback button on top.

Enterpret would prompt you to connect your Slack and select the channels you want to receive updates in. When new feedback records that match the saved Search query are ingested, they will be sent to the subscribed channels on Slack.

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