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Hierarchy of Tracked Keywords and Reasons

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Written by Team Enterpret
Updated over a week ago

We structure customer feedback and allow analytics on top of it. This structure is called Taxonomy. You can visualize your organization's Taxonomy by clicking on the Taxonomy icon from the left nav bar.

Taxonomy is a hierarchy of Tracked Keywords and Reasons. Let's explore these in the following sections.

Tracked Keywords

Tracked Keywords are "what" feedback is about.

Tracked Keywords include the different aspects of your product and other relevant concepts that are useful to track. For example, Login is a tracked keyword that would be associated with feedback where users mention the login experience of your product.


A phrase is how a Tracked Keyword might be mentioned in feedback. A Tracked Keyword is defined by a list of phrases. Enterpret uses these phrases to correctly associate a Tracked Keyword with relevant feedback records.

For example, the Tracked Keyword Login, might comprise of the following phrases:

login, signin, log into among others.


Reasons are "why" customers shared feedback.

A Reason is a self-descriptive repeatable granular summary of the feedback. For example, the Reason Unable To Login With Sso would be predicted on feedback where users express an inability to log in using SSO.

Tracked Keyword <> Reason Relation

Tracked Keywords and Reasons are arranged in a hierarchy in your organization's Taxonomy. Each Tracked Keyword has a list of associated Reasons. If a Reason talks about a Tracked Keyword, it is associated with it by Enterpret.

ℹ️ A Reason might be associated with more than one Tracked Keywords.

For example, the Reason Unable To Login With Sso would be associated with the Tracked Keyword Login since it talks about it.

You can read more about how you can manage your organization's Taxonomy on Enterpret here.

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