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Jack Divita avatar
Written by Jack Divita
Updated over a week ago
  1. Click on "Sign in with Google" and log in with your work email

  2. Once you have logged in successfully, navigate to integrations page using the icon on the menu bar to the left.

  3. Click on the "+ New Integration" button.

  4. Choose "Salesforce" from the presented options, by clicking the "Connect" button in front of it.

  5. You’ll be redirected to the Salesforce site. Login and authorise Enterpret App to connect to your Salesforce account.

  6. After connection, you’ll be redirected back to the Enterpret dashboard. With the new Salesforce Connection. Edit this Integration.

  7. You’ll be presented with a form to configure this integration

  8. Select the name of Salesforce Object that you want to ingest. The list contains all the objects your Salesforce instance has.

  9. Select the Text Fields from this object, i.e. the fields on which you want predictions to be made. The list contains the textual fields from the Object you selected in Step 9.

  10. Save your configuration to ingest Salesforce objects.

  11. You have completed the Salesforce integration.

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