Jack Divita avatar
Written by Jack Divita
Updated over a week ago


The Enterpret integration for the G2 allows users to look at public customer reviews about their product from G2 inside Enterpret.

We use the OrgUUID in order to ingest the data, and ingest new data every 24 hours. The integration is done via a limited API integration.

Steps to integrate G2 to your feedback data :

  1. Go to lower left of the screen and click on the logo, a panel will open up, click on Integrations.

    On clicking Integrations, this screen will open up.

  2. On the top right corner of the screen, click on the + NEW INTEGRATION button.

    A list of all available integrations that can be done through Enterpret is shown on this screen.

  3. Search around for Gong, Click on CONTINUE > to move forward with the process of integration.

  4. You will asked to choose the type of integration would you like Gong to be, choose 'Feedback Integration'

  5. Provide the G2 URL in the dialogue box that opens and click on CONNECT

    G2 is now integrated.

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