You can configure the calculation on Quantify to choose the values you'd want to plot and visualize for the field you've chosen in the "Show Me" dropdown.
Basic Calculations
Available for all metadata and prediction fields.
Count shows the number of feedback records for different values of the field you've selected in "Show Me", within the limits of the applied filters, for the queried duration.
Available for all metadata and prediction fields.
Percentage plots the ratio of the number feedback records different values of the field you've selected in "Show Me", against all the feedback records that match the applied filters, for the queried duration.
Aggregate Calculations
Net Promoter Score (NPS)
Available for all numeric metadata fields with values between 0-10.
Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a metric used to measure customer experience. It's automatically available for usage, when a metadata field has values in the range of 0-10.
Those who respond with a score of 9 to 10 are labeled Promoters, those with a score of 7 to 8 are labeled Passives, and those with a score from 0 to 6 are labeled Detractors. The Net Promoter Score is then calculated by subtracting the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The result is a score between -100 and 100, with a higher score indicating better customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
Available for all numeric metadata fields with values between 1-5.
Customer Satisfaction Score, often abbreviated as CSAT, is a metric used to measure a customer's satisfaction. The CSAT score is calculated as the percentage of positive responses. CSAT is available as a calculation on all metadata fields which have values in the range 1-5. The calculated value is the percentage value of customers who gave a positive rating (4 or 5).
CSAT Score = (# Positive responses {4 or 5} / # All responses) x 100
Customer Dissatisfaction Score (DSAT)
Available for all numeric metadata fields with values between 1-5.
Customer Dissatisfaction Score, often abbreviated as DSAT, is a metric used to measure customer dissatisfaction. The DSAT score is calculated as the percentage of negative responses. DSAT is available as a calculation on all metadata fields which have values in the range 1-5. The calculated value represents the percentage of
customers who gave a negative rating (1 or 2).
DSAT Score = (# Negative responses {1 or 2} / # All responses) x 100
Available for all numeric metadata fields.
Sum, is a weighted sum of a numeric metadata's values. It's derived by multiplying each value of a numeric metadata by the number of times it occurs on feedback records matching the applied filters and set duration, then summing those products together.
Available for all numeric metadata fields.
Mean value, or the arithmetic mean, is the 'average' of a numeric metadata value. It's calculated by adding up all the occurrences of a metadata value, and then dividing by the total number of feedback records matching the applied filters and set duration.
Calculations on Users and Accounts
If you have enabled Sycned Users and Accounts on your instance, you'd notice that you can can apply calculations on User and Account metadata as well.
For example, in the image attached below, we're looking at the Mean value of ARR for customers who've shared feedback on the respective Reasons for Zoom.
To create this view of Quantify:
Set Show Me to Reason (or any other property that you want to group your data by)
From the first Measured as dropdown, choose the calculation you want to apply -- in this case, we'll choose Mean.
From the second Measured as dropdown, choose the field upon which you want to apply this calculation on. In this case, we'll choose the ARR field under the Account metadata fields.
NOTE: While applying aggregate calculations like Sum or Mean on account metadata fields, aggregated value is counted only once per account, to avoid double-counting. Likewise for users.
For example, if you're looking at Sum of ARR for Reasons, and 5 users from the same account (Account1) have shared feedback about a specific Reason (ReasonA). The Sum of ARR for ReasonA would only include Account1's ARR once, and not 5 times.
Why is a calculation not available for a selected field?
A calculation might not be available for a selected field if the field's values are not numbers, or if it's values don't fall in the numeric range for the calculation, e.g., 0-10 for NPS, etc.
A common issue here might be that the field is a number, but has been ingested as a string value due to a misconfiguration in an uploaded CSV, or upstream feedback data. Please feel free to reach out to the Enterpret Team if you encounter such cases, we'll be happy to help!