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Compare feedback across time periods and other criteria

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Written by Team Enterpret
Updated over a week ago

Compare gives users the ability to pick a Metric, choose what to Inspect, and compare it against a Baseline. Comparisons can be either across time periods or based on Criteria.


Metric: Metric (reason/tracked keyword/metadata) is what is being compared.

Criteria: Comparisons can be across time periods, or across specific criteria. Here, criteria can be any metadata associated with feedback, or predicted reasons and tracked keywords.

Inspect: Inspect is what is being compared. This is the numerator.

Baseline: Baseline is what the inspect is being compared against. This is the denominator.

Compare allows users to do the following:

  1. Compare metrics, for two different values of a field in query criteria ( for the same time period)

  2. Compare metrics, for two different values of a field, for two different time ranges

  3. Initiate a comparison from the taxonomy by selecting a metric as the base

  4. Compare a particular metric against the base and know the points of interest by setting a limit

  5. Pivot to a table view for the time range so that users can sort and dissect the data better

Constructing a Compare Query

Here are some examples of setting up a Compare across time periods, and across criteria:

Comparing Across Time Periods

Let's set up a Compare to look at Reasons which have had the greatest increase in customer feedback this month, compared to the previous month -- to understand how comparisons across time periods work.


  1. Set the Metric to Reason from the drop-down

  2. Set Compare By to Time -- which is the default selection

  3. Set Inspect Duration to last one month from the date-picker that opens up on click -- which is also the default selection

  4. Set Baseline Duration to Previous Month from the drop-down

  5. Click on the Compare button to submit the query

Comparing Across a Criteria

We'll set up a Compare to look at Tracked Keywords that have the greatest difference in mentions when inspecting feedback received in French, compared to English for the last 6 months.


  1. Set the Metric to Tracked Keyword from the drop-down

  2. Set Compare By to Criteria, and choose Language as the Criteria from the drop-down

  3. Set Inspect to French by searching for and choosing a value from the drop-down

  4. Set Baseline to English by searching for and choosing a value from the drop-down

  5. Set Duration to 6 months by clicking on 6M

  6. Click on the Compare button to submit the query

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